Wednesday, May 31, 2006
So... I just had my first event yesterday.. And it couldnt have been better actually. Everything was perfect, from decoration to entertainment! The best part was the French artist. First when he came on the stage, and started his painitng.. people were like.. what the *beep* is he doing?!
Then after a couple of minutes, when the painting was turned upside down, people lost their breaths.. The artist had made a painting of the late Sheikh Zayed. People were amazed.
My jaw was still on the floor when he walked off the stage.
Any way, the client was very pleased with the event. Everyone was happy.
After the event we had bottles of wines coming in. You should have seen the pianist. She got so drunk she almost fell off her chair. The funny part was when she was starting to make nasty proposals to the male crowd.. I couldnt do anything but laugh. Poor guys. I actually feel sorry for them. The pianist was the first to leave. She had to have help to be able to walk. And guess who came to pick her up...?
Her husband
I cant do anything but laugh.
Anyway.. Looking forward to our next event in Abu Dhabi in two weeks. And then... probably going to London in July!!
I cant wait!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
I don't think I could have asked for more.
Sun. 38 degrees. Breeze. Pool. Nice people. Champagne.
Need I say more?
It feels like Im on vacation even if I'm here for work. I guess you could say that I'm lucky. And yes, I'm aware of that.
So far I have met only nice people. Except those French Biatches the other night. Is that like a standard rule that French girls have to be bitches? Or maybe there is just something wrong with me? I got the THE look yesterday from a French girl when I was talking to her sisters boyfriend. You know the one. The "I-could-stab-you-right-here-on-the-spot look".
Yepp.. That's the one.
Were did the female solidarity go? What ever happened to all good old fashioned feminism?
Like girls stick together whatever what. Hmm.. Maybe it's the guys fault girls are actually fighting each other?
Blame the male race.
Yeah that sounds good.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Dans ton cul?
Great day!!
We are planning an event in London in June.. And its gonna be greeeeat!! I can just feel it!
Plus I get to go there aswell.. Im so happy!
Most probably we will go to Monaco aswell in september. When it will still be nice weather! NICE!
Anyway, people are nice to me. The changes are not THAT big actually. Dubai is like New York. Well when you look at restaurants and skyscrapers. Though there are some cultural changes that I have to adapt to.
One thing that surprises me is that not all people shake your hand. Im not only talking arabs but also europeans or asians etc.. They have adapted to the culture here. Its almost like people are ignoring you.. Hmm.. Weird.
Otherwise.. the weather is still.. yes...Sunny!!
I have to stop saying that every morning.. "Nice weather today.."
We are planning an event in London in June.. And its gonna be greeeeat!! I can just feel it!
Plus I get to go there aswell.. Im so happy!
Most probably we will go to Monaco aswell in september. When it will still be nice weather! NICE!
Anyway, people are nice to me. The changes are not THAT big actually. Dubai is like New York. Well when you look at restaurants and skyscrapers. Though there are some cultural changes that I have to adapt to.
One thing that surprises me is that not all people shake your hand. Im not only talking arabs but also europeans or asians etc.. They have adapted to the culture here. Its almost like people are ignoring you.. Hmm.. Weird.
Otherwise.. the weather is still.. yes...Sunny!!
I have to stop saying that every morning.. "Nice weather today.."
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Mojito night!
Very cool relaxed day. Just stayed home and watched some movies. Its too hot to go outside!! And this is only the beginning of the summer. Wonder how it's gonna be in July/August.
K and F had invited some friends over for mojitos and BBQ. French, English and Palestinian friends who were so nice! After a couple of mojitos the conversation got a bit hot. Dubai stockmarket, economy.. where the country is going.. Very interesting.
Back at home we only talk about the situation in Europe and in the States. Very interesting to hear other stuff.
Anyway, today just lazing around before the big day tomorrow! First day at work! I'm looking forward to it! Going on a tour on town tonight when the weather is a bit cooler.
More to come....
K and F had invited some friends over for mojitos and BBQ. French, English and Palestinian friends who were so nice! After a couple of mojitos the conversation got a bit hot. Dubai stockmarket, economy.. where the country is going.. Very interesting.
Back at home we only talk about the situation in Europe and in the States. Very interesting to hear other stuff.
Anyway, today just lazing around before the big day tomorrow! First day at work! I'm looking forward to it! Going on a tour on town tonight when the weather is a bit cooler.
More to come....
Friday, May 19, 2006
Live from Dubai!
I have one word to say.
This place is so cool. Even if I haven't seen much.. It is really cool.
There are skyscrapers everywhere. Not like boring normal looking skyscrapers. Im talking new design that makes you go wow!!
The house were Im staying is so nice. And the people living inside the house too!
I can't wait to go out and explore the town! There is so much to see!
For the moment it's like 40 degrees outside.. but the pool looks really tempting!
Maybe I'll go for a swim later on....
This place is so cool. Even if I haven't seen much.. It is really cool.
There are skyscrapers everywhere. Not like boring normal looking skyscrapers. Im talking new design that makes you go wow!!
The house were Im staying is so nice. And the people living inside the house too!
I can't wait to go out and explore the town! There is so much to see!
For the moment it's like 40 degrees outside.. but the pool looks really tempting!
Maybe I'll go for a swim later on....
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Nous bloggons..?
My little wise woman.. you are just so wise.. Did I ever tell you that?
naaah.. you already know it don't you?
Just talking to you makes me happy! You are like a drug! haha..
So.. Tomorrow is the big day. THE travel of my life.
Leaving tomorrow morning for Dubai. Im starting to be a little nervous. Or maybe this is the first time I am actually admitting it?
Everyone has been so nice to me. It breaks my heart to leave so soon. Leave all the people that I love that I have done so many times before. But I will always come back.
It's interesting to imagine where I am actually going to end up one day. Do you have the answer J? I surely don't...
I guess time will tell..
Mark my wise words. Keep on blogging!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
computer nerd
Ok.. I admit it. I spent too much time infront of my computer today. My head hurts!!
I have to get out in the cool Swedish summer night to get some fresh air.
I wish I could have some nice company. What do you say J? A nice little walk around Munkholmen?
I started packing today. Two days before the big journey! I still don't realize it yet.
I think it will hit me when I sit on the airplane. Hmm.. that's a bit late though.
I wonder how all the other students are doing with their internships..
Have to get moving! Need for fresh air!!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Talk about being direct
Yesterday when I was taking the subway in Stockholm, I looked up to read an ad. Did your life turn out the way you expected it? God, talk about being direct. Is it some evil form of manipulation? You have to start wondering about your life, and if you're really happy. Anyway, to answer the question to the ad. No. But Im happy that it didn't turn out as I expected... Makes life more interesting. According to me. Wouldn't life be boring if you could decide everything beforehand? |
Friday, May 12, 2006
How weird
Weird day. Weird people. Weird weather.
Or is it just me who is weird?
For some reason I don't like this day.
Perhaps it has to do with me getting no sleep this night. Mr X called me up at 4.30 this morning. He had been in a fight with two guys outside a nightclub. Apparently he did well. What does he want me to do? Stand up and applaude? Is it some kind of southern European macho thing that guys have to prove how strong they are?
Talked to J today. She was so sad. I wanted to jump on the next plane to France just to give her a hug. But I know that she can handle the situation. A girl like that. She can do anything only she puts her mind to it.
Anyway, the count down to my Dubai trip has begun. 6 days left.
I have this weird feeling in my stomach. I guess I can add that to my weird list of the day...
Or is it just me who is weird?
For some reason I don't like this day.
Perhaps it has to do with me getting no sleep this night. Mr X called me up at 4.30 this morning. He had been in a fight with two guys outside a nightclub. Apparently he did well. What does he want me to do? Stand up and applaude? Is it some kind of southern European macho thing that guys have to prove how strong they are?
Talked to J today. She was so sad. I wanted to jump on the next plane to France just to give her a hug. But I know that she can handle the situation. A girl like that. She can do anything only she puts her mind to it.
Anyway, the count down to my Dubai trip has begun. 6 days left.
I have this weird feeling in my stomach. I guess I can add that to my weird list of the day...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
new episode..?

Hey people..
I have had the thought of creating my own blog now for a while.. And now when a new episode in my life is opening itself I thought it would be a good time..
I just moved from France the other day to live in Dubai for the next 8 months.. A choice that will surely have a great impact on my life. However I don't really realize it yet. Talk about living in denial. The last month has been incredible in France. Though very weird. New people coming into my life. And people leaving my life. Forever?
It's funny how a decision can change a person's life drastically like that.
J told me the other day:
there are no goodbyes, there's only à bientôt...