Monday, May 14, 2007


Didnt think it would be that hard. Leaving France I mean.
Last hours a bit stressful.
Saying goodbye to people I love.
Stressing to catch the train at the last minute.
And then when the tensions just broke loose.
Seeing Lyon sweeping away outside the window.
Everything seemed so quiet and still for what seemed to be an eternity.
Weird feeling in my stomach.
Easy now, easy.

And now sitting in the kitchen at home, listening to the sound of the fan, and the refrigerator making strange noises.

Feels like I havent been gone at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, jag ar radd for att kanna sa den dagen jag atervander. Om man nu gor det. kram kram kram!

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hej Mulle,
It has been a while!
I did not get the chance to say bye properly but I hope everything is fine is Sverige, a country that I shall visit once, and not only for its people!! But for the cultural thing, Scandinavians have a lifestyle that I like a lot it seems healthy somehow. Anyhow I hope that your "séjour" in France was nice, that you fullfilled whatever you wanted to. Both Inga and You left me a good image, and I hope we will meet again in the future cuz you are a person who has a certain type of intelligence that I'm comfy with! I'm not saying you are smart, don't get too excited here! ;-)
Keep in touch whenever you can/want.
You are on the right track stick with it!
Take Care
(Anonymous) <- Not really :D

10:34 PM  
Blogger Lost in translation said...

hello anonymous (god I hate writing that word) have to spell check it like a 100 times before it goes to print ;) naah.. absolutely have to stay in contact, wouldnt be the same without you! Missing France a little bit.. mostly the people (not talking in general but people I like!) 4 years of my life that have been really cool I have to say. Hope to see you soon anyway! say hi to your hometown for me ;) bisous

11:15 PM  
Blogger Fashion Victim said...

Hey Gruten Bruten!!
Tu me makes deja!!!
Trop dommage k je ne soi pas ux States avec vous!


1:01 AM  

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