Thursday, August 31, 2006
I just love it that my personal life is an open book, and open for everyone to make jokes.
So feel free join the fucking club
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
yee yee!
Things I'm looking forward to:
*Buddha bar tomorrow night.
*Martin Solveig Friday night at Trilogy!
*H&M opening on Tuesday with cocktails, canapés and cheaper shopping for the guests!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Pool Party in Barsha

Thursday night pool party in Barsha. Think I met all the French people in Dubai that night. I even bumped in to Danish guys and a Swedish girl! I managed to take three pictures before I was thrown into the pool.. (with my clothes on)
After 5 hours in the pool and with russin fingrar som hette duga, the pool didnt seem that nice and warm anymore. Had a great night, and made some new friends!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
A while ago I wrote about the origins of my name and possible nicknames..
Apparently wikipedia has updated it with interesting new nicknames like:
- Mils
- Peppermint Patty
- Arnold.. (QUE?!)
- Mindables
- Melinders
Hm.. I’m doubtful.

Small recap of what happened this week..
- Dinner at the Argentinian restaurant in Jumeirah Beach hotel. Tender meat, a nice bottle of Cabernet Savignon, Argentine Tango dancers..
- Afternoon at Oasis Beach hotel with a few (?!) cocktails at the pool bar.
- The welcoming of the new guy, Gabin. Nice little seafood BBQ followed by some nice drinking games.
- 'Buzz' night with the gang. Hmm.. I guess we are a bit childish.
- Japanese food and cinema night at the Mall of the Emirates. Watched Nacho Libre. Movie about this priest who wants to be a wrestler. Very funny, and very very weird at the same time.
- Drinks with Katharina at Bar Zar in Madinat Jumeriah. Yummy mojitos and cosmopolitans.
- Relaxing evening at the Six senses Spa with Anabelle and Sam.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
1) Fyra arbeten jag har haft i mitt liv:
- McDonalds "servitris".. (oh so proud)
- Incheckare pa Arlanda
- Smorgas tant pa en restaurang i Centrala Lyon
- Affarsbitrade pa Zara
2) Fyra filmer jag kan se om och om igen:
- Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
- Lost in Translation (of course)
- Crash
- Love Actually
- Dubai, UAE
- Lyon, Frankrike
- Sigtuna, Sweden
- Marsta, Sweden
- Prison Break
- Desperate Housewives
- Friends
- Syd Afrika
- Burma
- Vietnam
- Syd Amerika
Listan kan goras langre....
6) Fyra webbsidor jag besöker dagligen:- Massa bloggar: Sweet & Sour, Katharina, Ett liv i exil, syrrans blogg...
- Hotmail
- Andra mailen..
- Wikipedia.. hehe. kollar upp massa skumma grejjer.. :)
- Halloumi and vegetables (mammas recept)
- Thaimat- Green curry with Shrimps
- Marockans kyckling (oxå mammas recept)
- Halloumi and bacon wraps från Zaweet
8) Fyra ställen där jag trivs:
- Varsomhelst med min familj- mamma, pappa, Rebecca o Tess..
- Hemma i Sigtuna
- Bland min bästa barndoms vänner. Även fast vi inte träffas så ofta så känns de alltid som förr när man kommer tillbaks.
- Lyon. Feels like home.
9) Fyra bloggare jag vill utmana att svara på de här frågorna:
- Rebookie
- Shock that monkeii
- Sleepy- mais bon il faut que je traduise en francais.. :)
this is it...
.. I am melting away in this heat..
It feels like its 50 degrees today, when its 'only' 39 degrees and 50 % humidity.
I am seriously thinking about camping at Ski Dubai.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Jai perdu mes repères
Je nage en eau trouble
Emmène-moi aussi loin que possible
Les paysages défilent et la brume se dissipe
Grâce à toi à nouveau je respire

I just read something very different. A guy started a "parody religion" called the Flying Spagetti Monster, after the Kansas State Board of Education took a decision not to include biological macroevolution, the age of the Earth, or the origin and early development of the Universe in the education standards...
Hey.. You learn something everyday
ps. The picture is showing the creation of the universe according to the Pastafarians.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Three little sissies
Talk about being nostalgic.
I didnt want to come back to Dubai.
Hanging out with my family and friends in Sweden made me realize that I want to, one day, come back to Sweden. But that day might be in a while. But still. It will come.
Monday was definately one of the best days at home. R and I got to go on T's boat that was in Stockholm for 2 days. T is actually now the SPA manager on the Oceania Regatta boat. (Yes, Im proud of you!) R and I got to do our hair at the hair salon and hang out with T's collegues.
In the evening T had booked a table at the Polo restaurant. Salmon, Ceasar salad, Lobster and File Mignon, and Cosmopolitan cocktails were ordered.
After the nice dinner, the three sisters headed for Café Opera where friends were waiting. Cocktails were ordered, and the music was flowing out of the speakers. There were a lot people there. Even if it was a Monday, people were partying like crazy. Maybe it was because the Gay Pride festival had started the same day? We met people from all around the world: Italians, Israelis (Israelianer ;), Spanish...
Hopefully the family will be gathered for X-mas again. But chances are that T is going on another boat before December which means she wont be there.
...Im having a countdown to X-mas.