I just read something very different. A guy started a "parody religion" called the Flying Spagetti Monster, after the Kansas State Board of Education took a decision not to include biological macroevolution, the age of the Earth, or the origin and early development of the Universe in the education standards...
Hey.. You learn something everyday
ps. The picture is showing the creation of the universe according to the Pastafarians.
Hahaha, nu faller alla bitarna på plats! :) Spagetti monster, hehehe. Tack för igår, mkt najs! :) Hörs om fredag.
I know.. jag som trodde att de va New Spagetti Monster.. hehe.. but of course he is FLYING!! deeeuh! Sjalv sitter jag faktisk o kakar pasta bolognese.. kan jag kalla mig for en pastafari isafall? hmm.. maste wikepedia det oxa. Tack for igar! Mkt trevligt! tack for att du raddade mig ur taxi kon! hors imorrn! kram
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