So just realized that there is not long time left here in France. Just have a couple of weeks before I say au revoir la France! And it looks like it is going to be for good. I really like France though. But to live and work here? Not very tempting I must say. People are so pessimistic in this country. Get a fucking grip people. The end of the world is not around the corner. (or who knows...) Thats one of the negative points about French people. Raleurs hela bunten! Jamais content!
However there is the side of the savoir vivre that I like. The food. The cheese. The wine. The macarons!
So just realized that there is not long time left here in France. Just have a couple of weeks before I say au revoir la France! And it looks like it is going to be for good. I really like France though. But to live and work here? Not very tempting I must say. People are so pessimistic in this country. Get a fucking grip people. The end of the world is not around the corner. (or who knows...) Thats one of the negative points about French people. Raleurs hela bunten! Jamais content!
However there is the side of the savoir vivre that I like. The food. The cheese. The wine. The macarons!
How will I survive without that?
At the moment Im happy to leave France. It is time to leave. Pack my bags once again and look for another place. 5 weeks left and then bye bye..