Wednesday, March 28, 2007



So just realized that there is not long time left here in France. Just have a couple of weeks before I say au revoir la France! And it looks like it is going to be for good. I really like France though. But to live and work here? Not very tempting I must say. People are so pessimistic in this country. Get a fucking grip people. The end of the world is not around the corner. (or who knows...) Thats one of the negative points about French people. Raleurs hela bunten! Jamais content!

However there is the side of the savoir vivre that I like. The food. The cheese. The wine. The macarons!
How will I survive without that?
At the moment Im happy to leave France. It is time to leave. Pack my bags once again and look for another place. 5 weeks left and then bye bye..

Dead inside

Ca me va tres bien en ce moment.
No feelings.
Cant even bother to try to change it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Blondes dont have more fun

If that will change something. Future will tell. Last year was great. Depends on how you see it though. I wouldnt change anything anyway. Man ska aldrig ångra det man gjorde. I learned a lot last year. Most importantly, everyone is different. And you cant get on well with everyone. Lesson has been learned. The door has been closed. Chapter ends. Page has been turned. Voila.
Glad to have said it.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Dubai in my mind

Was thinking today about Dubai.
There are certain things that I really miss.
Like the small talk with the Indian guys at the coffee shop.
United Kerla.
Taking a cab through the city.
The lights.
The vibrance of the city.
Alive but yet so dead.
Work to live or live to work?
What kind of life is that?
I wonder what the people are doing right now.
At this instance.

Friday, March 09, 2007

When is the moment?

Midterms are officially over.
I thought this moment would never come.
Peace of mind.
Or no.
Not really.
Cant manage to fall asleep.
Have to find the off button.