Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Another weekend has passed, and of course it has been as good as always.
Realizing that I only have 2 more weekends before I go back to Sweden and France. Hmm.. being nostalgic already? There are probably things that I will miss here.. People that I have met, crazy nights at 360, going to incredible launches, ordering my coffee from the smiling Philipinos in the morning at Seattle's......

Anyway, Thursday went to the Motorola/MTV party in a warehouse in Al Quoz. Fishy place to have an event. They managed to pull it off last time, but this time.. hmmmmm..
Free drinks (yucky sparkling wine) was the highlight of the evening. I didnt really get the point of having a chocolate fountain at the event. Really mal placé. After a couply of drinks we all went to the Apartment. Though wasnt really in a mood for clubbing.

Friday, Charlotte had a party at her place. After a couple of drinks and snacks we went to Tradervicks to dance salsa and drink rhum cocktails(I love that place).. Then off to the Apartment where they had RnB night. Danced with my one and only dancepartner Gabin until 3am, and then off to bed.

Otherwise just chilled the weekend at the beach. The weather is sooo nice now. It even gets a bit chilly in the evening. Yesterday the temperature dropped to 18 degrees. It scares me that Im freezing in the evenings and that I have to wear a jacket... Wonder how its gonna be in a couple of weeks......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jag vill att du ska komma heeeem!! Tjoho! Makes me happy! Världens bästa julklapp, Mullebulle is back! 12e va? Du verkar ju ha det asbra där nere så jag hajjar om det känns lite trist, men du kanske åker tebax?! Jag har varit på yoga å känner mig lugn å flummig, nice! Nu ska jag kolla på Lost. Puss på re!

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

je t envoyé deux mails cette semaine, would you be mad at me?


2:01 PM  
Blogger Lost in translation said...

sleepy: not mad at all, havent checked my email thats all :) t'as recu un mail today! bisous

gerda: jepp kommer den 12!! landar 9.40 pa morgonen!! tjihoo! ska bli skit kul att komma hem o traffa dig igen!! hors snart!! take care! puss

9:34 AM  

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