Friday, January 05, 2007

Raleurs big time

So back in France.With my wine and cheese. So yes, happy as you might guess.

Im finding the apartment very comfy. I already have the home-feeling. Which I would think is a good sign. My roomie hasnt showed up yet since she missed her plane today. She'll probably pop up sooner or later. Senegal isnt à cote quoi.

School starts on Monday. Feels weird. Havent seen most of the people at school since April. That's a pretty long time. Markstrat next week, then courses the week after. Am sort of looking forward to it. Atleast meeting everyone again.

It didnt take me long anyway to be reminded what I dont like about France. Already on the train from Geneva, I had the pleasure of meeting a Francaise, who was obviously having a bad day. And I sort of got in her way. In other words, I was her victim. Ended up paying 20 euros too much for the ticket, and got yelled at cuz I hadnt had the time to buy a train ticket. Where did all the service-minded people go in France. I guess they're hiding. Very well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Back on the blogging! hur ar det i France? Vad hander? kxx

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja, tillbaka pa jobbet! Jag vill ocksa drinks pa 360, men helt arligt talat ar det fruktansvart kallt och blasigt dar just nu. Daremot var vi pa Left Bank i torsdags. Igar, lordag var jag pa bio med min BOYFRIEND! Vidrigt va! ha ha ha ha ha ha. Trodde aldrig jag skulle finna en sadan i Dubai!!! kxx

1:22 PM  

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