Yesterday after work I joined A & S at the Rooftop at the One & Only Royal Mirage. The atmohspere was really nice. The deco was very arabic influenced, with goldy colours, cushions... Had a couple of Mojitos before leaving to Movenpick hotel. There is a Thai festival going on in Dubai, and Movenpick hotel is offering a really nice Thai Buffet. Met a lot of interesting people from all corners of the world. English, American, Mexican, Syrian, Dominican, Scottish, South African, Danish, Indian... Really interesting to hear people's stories, where they are coming from, and where they are heading..
Simply just a great night.
hell, i think you're gonna become addicted to Mojitos soon! That the only drink I hear you talking about!
One and Only Royal Mirage är typ det vackraste hotellet jag sett i hela mitt liv...Och roof top baren är ju dessutom helt grym! Nu vill jag tillbaka...:) Ska ju resa snart igen dock, som tur är, fast till down under:)! Hur länge blir du i Dubai- 4ever eller tidsbestämt? Kram Linda
hjälp! Jag är ju inte mest teknisk i världen på sånt här bloggande...Hur gör man när profilbilden och alla länkar, previous posts osv hamnat jättelångt ner på bloggsidan istället för längst upp? Har ju inte flyttat på den direkt...Any advice? Kram Linda
Ed: I drank red wine too.. for the record. Mojitos and I go well together, what more can I say? ;)
Linda: Jag blir kvar till slutet av december! Da e praktiken fardig o jag aker hem till Sverige innan jag aker till Frankrike o avslutar mina studier! Mycket fram o tebax :) But I like it! Rooftop va jatte najs! DIggade verkligen det stallet! Maste tebax dit snart igen! Men du.. Down Under e inte helt fel det heller vill jag lova! Forresten de dar me blogg problemet, hmm.. fraga Henrik han e nog hype pa det? Mer an vad jag e iallafall :) Ha de sa bra!
Hehe, jag, hype? Eller menar du haj? ;) Royal Mirage e fina fisken, men vad jag blev sugen på när jag läste ditt inlägg var Mövenpicks cheese fondue torsdagar på deras roof top! Deeeeet är najs. Som fan. Och helt livsfarligt hehehe.
Linda: Njae, jag fattade inte riktigt vad du skrev där om blogproblemet, du får väl maila så får vi se om vi kan fixa det. Föresten, för att göra dig ngt mindre dubai-sugen kanske, saker är inte sig lika sen brent åkte hem, för att vara helt ärlig. Visst, allt är bra på alla sätt, men så hysteriskt kul som vi hade det ofta har jag inte haft sen dess... Hmmm... Oh well.
your new nickname... Mrs. Green -> Madame M&M (ref.the green M&Ms) -> Mojito Melinda!!!
Aie caramba!!
Mohahahaha.. I cant even remember why my nickname was Mrs. Green.. reminder pls? Ps. I love M&M's
you once told me that you thought the ethymology of your name was green, as i found that extremely weird i looked it up and found something else (the same thing you found: gentle & kind, very much you by the way). & once I found an image of the personified green M&Ms on my computer, and it was represented as girl, and very much so, i then sent it to you.
that's the whole story.
& now you're that green M&Ms (mojito melinda); you just want to grab it and take a nice big bite!
Aie caramba!
hah... yeah its all coming back to me now! Mojito Melinda just came back to work after the weekend.. No mojitos this week.. maybe next>? How's Paris?
Color saturation here is becoming dangerously low... Paris is turning grey.
Please send a little sun over, with a stamp on its left cheek while you're at it, 'por favor'.
Muchas gracias señorita!
P.S.: Mojito Melinda has deceived Melon Muncher (that's the yellow M&Ms) and scared Moody Meatman (the red one), I shall therefor rethink a more adequate substitute surname (allthough this 'does have a nice catch to it I find) :-) (or maybe not..)
Dubai is very yellow and sunny still.. I never thought I would say this.. but Im getting a bit bored of it.. OH MY GOOOOOD.. I said it.. and I DO mean it. Give me some rain for gods sake. Or even sluggish snow. Anything but the yellow mellow and the humidity. Ps. are you the Moody meatman? hehe
HOW can you be bored of the sun!!!!
Are you sick??!!
Someone save her!!
It's like summer and winter: when in summer you complain and wait for winter, and then when you get to winter you complain again and wait for summer (you: in a general sense).
In summer I never complain, in winter I just shut up.
P.S.: girls are the Moody Munchers, & men are the Melon Meatmen, and I?... am a Moody Melon Meatman Muncher (not gay)...
an M&M&M&Ms
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